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Magazine Circulation for Metro Parent and Chicago Parent

June 23rd, 2022 | 4 min. read

By Alexia Bourkoulas

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Let’s start with some good news: Print is not dead. In fact, it’s a fantastic advertising vehicle for certain businesses. But that leads to less happy news: Print might not be for you.

That’s a critical preamble to this blog about magazine circulation. Why? Over the past 35-plus years, we’ve heard from folks like you who are curious — excited, even — about advertising in Zoe Marketing & Communications’ two bi-monthly, free regional parenting magazines: Metro Parent in southeast Michigan, and Chicago Parent, serving Chicagoland. 

And, thanks, to advertising options like display ads and sponsored content stories, these magazines can be a powerful branding tool.

But first, folks want to know two key things: (1) How many people they’ll reach and (2) Where those magazines will appear. Basic circulation information, right?

Well, here, we’re going to spell it out. And, as a bonus, we’ll give you a better sense if magazine advertising is the right call for you. You’ll get answers to these key questions:

  • What is the circulation for Metro Parent and Chicago Parent magazine?

  • What’s the readership for Metro Parent and Chicago Parent magazine? (Yes, it’s different!)

  • Where are the magazines distributed in both markets?

  • Is magazine marketing right for me?

  • How can I find the right platform to get my message out?

So let’s jump into those circulation facts and stats, shall we?

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What is the circulation for Metro Parent and Chicago Parent magazine?

The circulation for Metro Parent and Chicago Parent is the same in both markets: 20,000 magazines. That’s a nice, round number to hang your hat on! Here’s what goes into it:

  • 15,000: This is the precise amount of physical printed magazines sent out newsstands around the region every two months.

  • 5,000: This is the average amount of users who read our digital replica magazines every two months. We host these publications as a flipbook via BlueToad. (Click the following links to check out the current digital issues of Metro Parent or Chicago Parent.)

What is the readership for Metro Parent and Chicago Parent magazine?

It’s at least double the eyeballs of circulation. Readership is the “pass along” rate of each magazine. So, for instance, magazines in public places like libraries or medical lobbies are often “passed along” or left behind for more readers.

Likewise, in the same home, two parents or partners may read a magazine or share with family members.

Throughout the industry, each magazine determines its own “multiplier.” In other words, how many folks are reading one single magazine — two, or twice the amount? Four times? Or six times? 

In our case, we accept our “multiplier” number from the Circulation Verification Council. The CVC is an independent, third-party company that audits thousands of publications nationwide. Based on its research in our markets, the CVC says each copy of Metro Parent is passed on 2.1 times, and each issue of Chicago Parent is read 2.7 times.

So, once we crunch that math, we get the following readership tallies (once we also add digital users — can’t forget them!):

  • Metro Parent readership: 36,500 (that’s 15,000 physical copies x 2.1 = 31,500 + 5,000 digital users)

  • Chicago Parent readership: 45,500 (that’s 15,000 physical copies x 2.7 = 40,500 + 5,000 digital users)

Could those numbers be even higher in reality? Sure. But we don’t want to exaggerate. Our readership numbers are honest, healthy and well-vetted.

Where are these magazines distributed in both markets?

The short answer: Magazines appear all over each region in places with a lot of our target audience. Namely, that’s parents of kids ages 0-18. Here’s a snapshot of each market:

  • Metro Parent: Magazines distribute to 70 cities in five counties, including:

    • Macomb

    • Oakland

    • Wayne

    • Washtenaw

    • Livingston 

... That's primarily metro Detroit and greater Ann Arbor. In total, we deliver to over 600 locations.

  • Chicago Parent: Magazines distribute to about 90 cities in Chicago and the suburbs, including these counties:

    • Cook

    • DuPage

    • Lake

... In total, we deliver to 650 locations.

Locations are similar in each market and may include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Childcare/daycare centers

  • Extracurricular destinations (dance studios, skating arenas, sports centers, YMCAs, etc.)

  • Grocery stores

  • Health/therapy clinics

  • Kids specialty stores

  • Public libraries

  • Restaurants

  • Schools/preschools

Is magazine marketing right for me?

You might have caught on to a big benefit of magazine advertising. It’s broader scale, covering wide swaths of southeast Michigan and Chicagoland. Plus, our trusted magazines have been around since the mid-1980s. So they’re well-recognized and respected.

This means our magazines are excellent for branding — keeping your business top of mind with local family audiences. They also shine for regional events or “destination” attractions that lure families from miles around.

Clients with many locations, like health systems and schools, are top candidates for magazine marketing. The idea is you’re not creating an immediate “call to action” campaign. Instead, you’re showcasing who you are and bringing awareness to people. These are people who won’t make a decision until months down the road (and, when they do, they’re more likely to think of you).

A display ad or sponsored content story can be super effective for these types of businesses.

But if you’re looking for people in your immediate area who are more apt to buy your service/product faster, magazine marketing is NOT your vehicle. There are far more effective tools at your disposal with digital marketing.

A twist: Even if magazine marketing does meet your goals and is within your budget, it’s wise to explore digital marketing, too. You can get much more targeted with demographics, people’s interests and other key details. And you'll do double duty with branding and action-oriented marketing.

So, how can I find the right platform to get my message out?

Magazines are one way to get your message out — and they have perks. As you’ve learned, Metro Parent reaches 36,500 readers each month, and Chicago Parent 45,500. Both publications appear in family hotspots that span dozens of cities in over 600 locations. That’s a lot of eyeballs and visibility.

You’ve also discovered that an ad or sponsored content story in one of our magazines may not be the best tactic for you. Clients looking to brand themselves or promote regional events/ attractions are the best candidates.

That said, if you’re excited to reach your target audience with Metro Parent or Chicago Parent, discover more about great marketing traction with retargeting — and learn more about different marketing tactics:

Remember: The most effective marketing will always meet people where they’re at. And depending on the type of business you run, that may or may not include magazines!

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Alexia Bourkoulas

Alexia Bourkoulas is CEO of Zoe Marketing & Communications and its sister companies, Metro Parent and Chicago Parent. Her 35-year multi-media experience ranges from sales and marketing to journalism and public relations. She’s passionate about helping businesses grow and thrive.