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May 21st, 2024 | 2 min. read
By Kim Kovelle
Families today worry about nutrition. And Sarah Woodside, a registered dietitian nutritionist and VP of communications for the United Dairy Industry of Michigan, gets it.
“Parents have a lot of questions about where food comes from and how it’s made,” says Woodside, who’s also a mom. “We want to share accurate information about dairy and how it’s produced.”
Clearing that up has been a key part of UDIM’s digital marketing with Metro Parent, a metro Detroit family resource since 1986 and a sister company of Zoe Marketing & Communications.
“It’s a trusted source of information for parents,” Woodside says. “So it felt like a really good fit.”
Here’s how UDIM — which works on behalf of Michigan dairy farmers — has spread the word since 2013.
“Do kids really need milk and other dairy foods to grow healthy and strong?”
That’s a core question UDIM tackles, along with concerns about hormones, antibiotics and the growing competition in the beverage aisle.
“We wanted to address this challenge with fact-based, accurate, transparent information,” Woodside says. “We wanted more in-depth education and to answer questions.”
UDIM’s marketing evolved from magazine ads to sponsored stories in 2018, recognizing the potential for deeper engagement.
“We do a lot of outreach with healthcare professionals,” Woodside says. This means access to a network of pediatricians, dietitians and dairy farmers to provide expert insights.
Their content approach includes:
“Our campaigns are often quick hits,” says Woodside. “Having this pillar page where we continuously have new, relevant content has really helped us reach our audience.”
Beyond sponsored content, UDIM expands its reach with:
“People are engaging with the content,” Woodside says. The results show it:
Parents’ interest in farm practices also stood out. Stories like “What Do Dairy Cows Do in Winter?” and “How Technology is Transforming Dairy Farms” get top traffic.
“It shows that parents truly are interested in where their food comes from, and we’re helping with that education.”
Woodside credits Metro Parent and Zoe’s 35+ years of journalism experience.
“The writing is so strong, and we don’t get that from other partners, surprisingly,” she says. “The team ensures we have experts in the field who act as spokespeople.”
That said, sponsored content requires time, resources and the ability to meet deadlines. “It helps to have someone who can review content, approve it and find sources,” Woodside says. “If you don’t have that, it may not work for you.”
For UDIM, sponsored content with a trusted media partner has been a core tactic.
“We want to keep our eye on what consumers are asking and if there are myths we can dispel,” Woodside says. “I’m always looking to Zoe’s creative team for marketing ideas.”
If you’re considering a content-driven marketing approach, talk to us. Zoe’s marketing experts can help you assess the best strategy for your business.
And, to learn more about sponsored content, check out:
As Zoe Marketing & Communications’ content manager, Kim Kovelle brings over 20 years of writing and editing experience in metro Detroit. She has strong roots in community journalism and a knack for making complicated topics make more sense.