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5 Problems Preventing Your Website From Converting Leads

July 9th, 2024 | 4 min. read

By Kim Kovelle

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It’s wildly frustrating: You’ve got a solid website, including places for people to reach out or buy your services. Maybe you’re even running ads directing people straight to those pages.

And yet — your site just isn’t converting leads. What’s going on? And how can you fix it?

We feel your pain. Here at Zoe Marketing & Communications, easily 90% of the small- to mid-sized businesses we help come to us with this issue! It feels like you’re doing the right things. So what’s going wrong? We find it’s one (or more) of these five issues:

  1. Weak or unclear calls to action (CTAs)
  2. Slow page loading times
  3. Inconsistent mobile optimization
  4. Lack of testimonials and trust signals
  5. Poor content structure

Here, you’ll learn the reasons these problems are costing you leads. You’ll also get a solid understanding of what it takes to fix them. And you can determine your next steps.

What is a good website conversion rate?

First, it helps to define a “good” website conversion rate. For most businesses, it falls between 2% and 4%. So, for every 100 visitors, 2-4 are taking a desired action, like filling out a form or making a purchase. While the range can vary by industry, this is a solid benchmark to aim for.

Good Conversion Rate for Websites

5 problems with your website’s conversion rate (and solutions)

If you’re not meeting that mark — or want to improve it — it’s time to take an honest look at possible issues. These include CTAs, page load time, mobile optimization, trust signals and content.

Conversion Problem-Weak Unclear CTAsProblem #1: Weak or unclear calls to action (CTAs)

You have only seconds to convince people to click your most important buttons. But if your CTAs are vague, buried in your content or lack a sense of urgency, visitors may ignore them. And that ultimately costs you leads.

Common mistakes include generic phrases like “Submit” or “Click Here.” These don’t tell people what they’ll gain by clicking.

Solution: Strengthen your CTAs for clarity and impact

  • Use specific, action-oriented language: Craft CTAs that clearly communicate the benefits. For instance: “Get a Free Quote Now” or “Download My Guide.”
  • Place CTAs prominently: Position them in high-visibility areas on your pages. Include them 2-3 times on longer content or blogs.
  • Ensure visual distinction: Make CTAs stand out with simple contrasting colors or bold fonts to draw attention.
  • Test and analyze: Experiment with different CTAs to see which performs best. Use the data to refine your approach.

Conversion Problem-Slow Page Loading TimesProblem #2: Slow page loading times

Slow page-loading times can frustrate users and lead them to bounce. Google suggests a load time of 2 seconds or less. Most mobile users will stop waiting and leave after 3 seconds.

Not only does this impact user experience, but Google even penalizes slower sites. This can negatively impact your search rankings and visibility.

Solution: Improve website speed for better performance

  • Optimize images: Compress images to under 100 KB each using tools like Optimizilla. Resize images to fit their display size on your site to avoid loading unnecessarily large files.
  • Use caching: Caching stores copies of your pages to reduce server load and speed up load times. Many web platforms do this automatically, or you can use plugins.
  • Choose a reliable hosting provider: Opt for hosting services known for speed and reliability, like Bluehost or A2 Hosting.
  • Minimize code: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to find and fix issues with your CSS, JavaScript and HTML files. Follow its recommendations to reduce file sizes and combine files to speed up your site.

Conversion Problem-Inconsistent Mobile OptimizationProblem #3: Inconsistent mobile optimization

With over 60% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, a mobile-friendly site is essential. If your site isn’t optimized for smartphones and tablets, visitors may struggle with navigation. That leads to higher bounce rates and lost conversions.

Plus, Google ranks mobile-friendly sites higher, so poor optimization can hurt your visibility.

Solution: Enhance mobile design for a better user experience

  • Use responsive design: Ensure your website adjusts to different screen sizes. Use tools like Google’s Lighthouse to check performance.
  • Prioritize mobile-friendly formatting: Keep content readable with at least 16px body copy font and sans-serif types. Buttons should be well-spaced, and navigation menus simple.
  • Optimize load times: Again, compress images and minimize code (more above).
  • Test across devices: Regularly check your site on various mobile devices to ensure a smooth experience. Consider services like BrowserStack for testing.

Conversion Problem-Lack of Trust SignalsProblem #4: Lack of testimonials and trust signals

People don’t just take your word for how great you are. Rather, 95% of us read online reviews before we buy something. Without “trust signals” like testimonials, reviews or certifications, your site may lack credibility, leading your potential customers to hesitate or leave.

Solution: Boost credibility with trust signals

  • Add customer testimonials: Feature genuine reviews and endorsements from satisfied clients. Aim for specific feedback that shows how your service or product solved their problem.
  • Showcase industry certifications: Display relevant certifications and awards. This builds credibility and demonstrates expertise.
  • Include clear privacy policies: Ensure your site has a detailed privacy policy to reassure visitors about their data security.
  • Highlight social proof: Use metrics like the number of customers served or social media follower counts to reinforce trust.

Conversion Problem-Poor Content StructureProblem #5: Poor content structure

Confusing navigation and dense content frustrate folks fast. When people can’t find what they need quickly or are overwhelmed by too much information, they’re likely to leave your site and not return, costing you conversions.

Solution: Optimize content for readability and engagement

  • Organize content clearly: Break your content into sections with descriptive headers to make it easy to scan. Use bullet points and short paragraphs for easier readability.
  • Improve navigation: Have a simple, intuitive menu and clear calls to action that guide people smoothly through your site.
  • Use visuals effectively: Weave in images, infographics and videos to make your content more engaging.
  • Engage your audience: Include interactive elements like quizzes or surveys to keep visitors interested and collect valuable feedback.

Next steps for getting more conversions on your website

Reaching that 2%-4% conversion rate on your website takes work, but it’s within reach.

Now that you understand five of the trickiest problems, you can start taking action to improve not only your stats — but also your future customers’ impression of you.

Still feeling vexed or need some help? Talk to us. The experts at Zoe Marketing & Communications have 15+ years of digital marketing experience. We can help you make key website adjustments to build up your conversions. Or, for even more support, learn:

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Kim Kovelle

As Zoe Marketing & Communications’ content manager, Kim Kovelle brings over 20 years of writing and editing experience in metro Detroit. She has strong roots in community journalism and a knack for making complicated topics make more sense.